7 Reasons why you should study abroad

Don’t miss your calling to study abroad

Don’t miss your calling to study abroad


Having a tough time deciding whether to study abroad, not sure if you should leave the comfort of your home and explore another country. 

Having doubts if its the right decision, here are the top 7 reasons why you should study abroad .

1.Become a global citizen

Going abroad to pursue your higher education makes you a global citizen. You are able to meet people from different countries and interact with them. Within a few months, you start adapting to that city and people,  that you unconsciously start talking and behaving like a person from there. You are at an advantage to travel and study abroad gaining skills and knowledge that are unique to you. You’re understanding of cultures and their lifestyle is what makes you a global citizen.

2. Meet people from other diversities

The main reason why you should study abroad is to meet new people from different countries and diversities. Even though you are from India, a very diverse country, you should meet different people, gain knowledge about them, become friends with them. You never know your 3 am friend is someone you meet in college.

Make friends for life!

Make friends for life!


3. Expand your knowledge

While studying abroad, pay attention to the way you're taught in university as it differs from how you are taught back home. Partying and having fun is always part of your education but at all times learn ways to broaden your knowledge. If you are interested in art, visit museums and other places to gain knowledge which have value at some point in the future. According to the survey’s conducted students studying abroad have more cultural knowledge and more diverse than others.

4. Explore new countries and travel

Living abroad is a dream come true for many, don’t waste those golden years cocooned in your room or college. Take advantage of the holiday season and the weekends traveling to nearby cities and countries. Visit towns during their festival time and spend your vacation learning and enjoying how the celebrate. 

If you plan to study in Europe, be ready to travel any chance you get, keep your eyes and ears open and learn about the travel discounts you can avail. Also, the university clubs also organize trips or day tours, don’t miss out on anything.

Travel as much as possible, explore the country!

Travel as much as possible, explore the country!

5. Become independent

Studying and living abroad makes you independent, you learn to do things yourself, like cooking your meals, laundry and grocery shopping. These  may look like such small things but doing them yourself without help, makes you independent. 

Living alone, you make decisions on your own and don’t depend on your parents for guidance. All these attributes make you self-reliant. In the beginning, you may be terrified or scared of whether you are doing things  the right way, but practicing and making mistakes teaches you.

6. Value your parents and home

A big lesson if you ask your friends or relatives that have studied abroad is that they value and respect their parents more than before. Staying alone teaches you not to take advantage of your parents and lifestyle back at home. The freedom to do anything you want without any consequence is a luxury you have only at home.

 The meals at home like your homemade “rajma chawal” or “sambar rice” become tastier and you crave them more than the fancy pizzas and pasta you always wanted to have.

7. Add value to your CV

Studying abroad, learning the culture and living in another country adds more value to your CV. Especially if you study in a reputed university and a course that is of unique help. While studying abroad take advantage of all  the facilities available, make sure whatever you do adds value to your CV and is visible to your future employers. Like learning a new language and taking up courses that are not usually available in India is always welcome by employers.

To Sum Up…

Make your education your pathway to success!

Make your education your pathway to success!

The decision to study abroad is ultimately your decision, don’t get influenced by your relatives or under peer pressure to make a decision. Deciding where you want to study is a decision that should be taken with utmost sincerity and honesty. 

Still not sure, visit our website Planet Education and book a free ONLINE counseling session. 

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